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Passwords Cracking

Created: 28.07.2022


brew install john
brew install hashcat
brew install maczip # to create test 7z on macOS

./7z2john /path/to/zip/file.7z > /path/to/output/file.hash

hashcat -h | grep -i zip                                                                                             
  11600 | 7-Zip                                                      | Archive
  17220 | PKZIP (Compressed Multi-File)                              | Archive
  17200 | PKZIP (Compressed)                                         | Archive
  17225 | PKZIP (Mixed Multi-File)                                   | Archive
  17230 | PKZIP (Mixed Multi-File Checksum-Only)                     | Archive
  17210 | PKZIP (Uncompressed)                                       | Archive
  20500 | PKZIP Master Key                                           | Archive
  20510 | PKZIP Master Key (6 byte optimization)                     | Archive
  23001 | SecureZIP AES-128                                          | Archive
  23002 | SecureZIP AES-192                                          | Archive
  23003 | SecureZIP AES-256                                          | Archive
  13600 | WinZip                                                     | Archive

hashcat -m 11600 hash.hash toolkit/wordlists/rockyou.txt

And the result is the following. For rockyou.txt file the estimated time was about 16-18 hours. So, for the testing purposes I created a simple wordlist with just 3 words.


🛠 Tools

Installation steps and troubleshooting are listed in the Toolkit section (Forensic lab setup) of this website.


https://github.com/openethereum/wordlist/blob/master/res/wordlist.txt https://github.com/brannondorsey/naive-hashcat/releases/download/data/rockyou.txt

John the Ripper password cracker



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