Network Topology It’s a geometric arrangment of hosts and network devices. Can be physical (cables and PCs’ layout) or logical (informaiton transmission methods).
Evasion techniques and what possible forensic footprints they are likely to leave? VPN Virtual private network.
In this article, I will cover the main DoS techniques and how they look in the logs. I will also cover some main mitigation techniques.
traceroute, tracert On Windows, it’s tracert (due to some legacy max-name-size limitations). On Linux and macOS - traceroute.
There are several techniques for port scanning. Some of them work for one OS only.
This is about … .
dshell # MacOSX path to directory with pyenv (example): /Users/[user_name]/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dshell/ decode -l # list decoders decode -d [decoder_name] # decoder info # who talked to whom decode -d ip [capture_file_name].
This set of articles describe network protocols for each layer separately. Each article may contain an attack description and how to metigate it.