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Oracle Access Manager Pre-Auth RCE

Created: 28.07.2022

Vulnerability’s code - CVE-2021–35587.

During communication between two machines through RPC or RMI, parameters are packed into a message and sent over the network. This packing of parameters into a message is called marshalling. Conversely, these packed parameters are unpacked from the unmarshalling message.

[About ObjectInputStream]…Other uses include passing objects between hosts using a socket stream or for marshalling and unmarshaling arguments and parameters in a remote communication system. 4

Root Cause

obj_stream = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(requester.substring("object:".length()))));
return obj_stream.readObject()

The problem here is when some object is deserialised this way “object:<base64 data>” this data will be directly deserialised without any filtering.

  1. "object:".length() - get the length of the string object:.
  2. requester.substring("object:".length()) - read the contents of requester starting from the 6th character (because the length of object: is 7 and arrays/strings in Java are 0-based).
  3. Base64.decode(requester.substring("object:".length())) - read and base64 decode the acquired part of requester string.
  4. ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(requester.substring("object:".length()))) - deserialise the result of base64 decoding into a ByteArrayInputStream.
  5. new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(requester.substring("object:".length())))) - turn into object. So, this line converts ByteArrayInputStream into ObjectInputStream.
  6. return obj_stream.readObject() - read and return the object.

❗️readObject is not a built-in method for ObjectInputStream objects! It’s a method of a Serializable interface that will have different implementations in different applications. It takes ObjectInputStream as an argument and performs whatever deserialisation it requires: private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in). 6 So, the root cause for this problem is the readObject implementation.

“This method can also be used to respond to the event of an object of that class being deserialised. An example of this method might be for a database manager object to automatically establish a connection to the database when it is deserialised into memory. Most Java serialisation exploits take advantage of the code within these readObject methods because the code is guaranteed to be executed during deserialisation.” 5

🛠 Tools

  1. Ysoserial




Oracle Access Manager Pre-Auth RCE (CVE-2021–35587 Analysis)


java 8 deserialize base64 encoded string, Stackoverflow


ByteArrayInputStream to ObjectInputStream disappeared


Class ObjectInputStream, docs


Attacking Java Deserialization. A great and details article. Although, not quite sure why the author didn’t use a decompiler like ByteCodeViewer and analyses pure Java byte code.


public interface Serializable, docs


AppSecCali 2015: Marshalling Pickles


Hacking Java Deserialization


FINDING GADGETS LIKE IT’S 2015: PART 1, how to get from readObject() to Runtime.exec(). A great breakdown of this method that helps understanding Java deserialisation attacks that lead to RCE.


FINDING GADGETS LIKE IT’S 2015: PART 2, tbc from the 9.