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Created: 17.05.2023

In this article I will try to unravel the HMAC algo, how it’s used, and how it can be attacked.


These constants were chosen because they have particular properties when used with XOR operation. The 0x36 value inverts half the bits when XORed with the key, and 0x5c inverts all but one of the other half. This helps to ensure a good distribution of the resulting values, making the algorithm more secure.


import hashlib

def xor_bytes(a, b):
    return bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(a, b))

def hmac(key, message):
    # If key is longer than block size, hash it
    if len(key) > 64:
        key = hashlib.sha256(key).digest()

    # If key is shorter than block size, pad it with zeros on the right
    if len(key) < 64:
        key = key + b'\x00' * (64 - len(key))

    # Compute inner hash
    o_key_pad = xor_bytes(key, b'\x5c' * 64)
    i_key_pad = xor_bytes(key, b'\x36' * 64)

    inner_hash = hashlib.sha256(i_key_pad + message).digest()

    # Compute outer hash
    hmac_result = hashlib.sha256(o_key_pad + inner_hash)

    return hmac_result.hexdigest()

key = b'secret_key'
message = b'This is a test message'

print(hmac(key, message))


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