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🛠️ Tools DB

Forensic Environment Setup

🛠️ Memory Acquisition and Analysis Toolkit

If this system is running, capture the memory. Should be the first task. Memory stomping issues.

📚 RAM Tools Reference

Volatility # install brew packet manager ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null # install volatility (python should be installed) brew install volatile # vol.

📘 📕 Field Manuals

Cloud DFIR Lab

This is about … .

Exploit Development Env

This is about … .

General IT Hacks

Setup Old HP printer on a new Mac https://support.apple.com/kb/dl1888?locale=en_US - driver https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/monterrey-and-hp-printers.2319676/: #!/bin/bash curl -o ~/Downloads/hpdrivers.

Malware Lab Setup

Malware analysis should always be done with caution. Also, in order to trick the most sophisticated malware into executing, one needs to make it believable that malware is on a real host.

Python Tooling

Terminal Tricks

In this article I will be collecting usful tricks and tweaks with Terminal on macOS. Some or even most of them could run on other UNIX systems as well.

SSH Access Setup Explained

In order to perform actions with you public/private key pair (git, ssh access), you’ll need to configure it first.

🧰 Mac Setup Script

🗒 TODO: Create a repo for this script! # oh my zsh bash themes sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.