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Created: 28.07.2022

Setup Old HP printer on a new Mac

https://support.apple.com/kb/dl1888?locale=en_US - driver



curl -o ~/Downloads/hpdrivers.dmg https://updates.cdn-apple.com/2020/macos/001-41745-20201210-DBC9B46B-88B2-4032-87D9-449AF1D20804/HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.dmg

hdiutil attach ~/Downloads/hpdrivers.dmg

pkgutil --expand /Volumes/HP_PrinterSupportManual/HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.pkg ~/Downloads/hp-expand

hdiutil eject /Volumes/HP_PrinterSupportManual

sed -i '' 's/12.0/13.0/' ~/Downloads/hp-expand/Distribution

pkgutil --flatten ~/Downloads/hp-expand ~/Downloads/HP_Drivers_12.pkg

rm -R ~/Downloads/hp-expand

# recursevely download files from a computer that doesn't allow attach USB or AirPlay
python -m http.server 8001 # on the "server" where the files are, run from the directory where the files are

wget --recursive --no-parent http://website.com/directory/ # on the "client" to which you want to download the files


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