RSS Feed


Created: 28.07.2022

Viginear cypher is more sophisticated than the Caesar cypher. Since the key is several characters long and the length is unknown, the frequency analysis technique becomes more challenging.

Algo Intro


#include <stdio.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

double GetDistributionCoefficient(vector<int> text);
void Crack(vector<int> cipher, vector<int> plainText, vector<int> cipherFunArray);
bool CheckKey(vector<int> stream, int key, double commonDistrib);
double GetDistributionCoefficientForCipher(vector<int> text);

double  normalDistributions[256];

int main() {
	unsigned char ch;
	uint32_t chr, chr2;

	vector<int> possibleKeyLengths;

	FILE* commonFile = fopen("D:\\pen\\coursera\\projects\\cryptography\\assignment 1\\common.txt", "r");
	vector<int> commonFileArray;
	while (fscanf(commonFile, "%c", &ch) != EOF) commonFileArray.push_back(int(ch));

	FILE* ciphered_file = fopen("D:\\pen\\coursera\\projects\\cryptography\\assignment 1\\ciphered.txt", "r");
	vector<int> cipherArray;
	while (fscanf(ciphered_file, "%02x", &chr) != EOF) cipherArray.push_back(chr);

	FILE* ciphered_file2 = fopen("D:\\pen\\coursera\\projects\\cryptography\\assignment 1\\fun.txt", "r");
	vector<int> cipherFunArray;
	while (fscanf(ciphered_file2, "%02x", &chr2) != EOF) cipherFunArray.push_back(chr2);

	Crack(cipherArray, commonFileArray, cipherFunArray);

	return 0;

double GetDistributionCoefficient(vector<int> text)
	double  distributionCoefficient = 0;
	double  characterArray[256];

	for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) normalDistributions[i] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) characterArray[i] = 0;

	for (int character = 0; character < text.size(); character++) {
		if (characterArray[text.at(character)] == 0) characterArray[text.at(character)] = 1;
		else characterArray[text.at(character)] += 1;

	for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
		//By the way, there are some ASCII characters that are not present in a normal English text
		//How must they be handled in this function?
		if (characterArray[i] == 0) continue;
		characterArray[i] = characterArray[i] / text.size();
		normalDistributions[i] = characterArray[i];
		characterArray[i] = characterArray[i] * characterArray[i];
		distributionCoefficient += characterArray[i];
	return distributionCoefficient;

double GetDistributionCoefficientForCipher(vector<int> text)
	double  distributionCoefficient = 0;
	double  characterArray[256];

	for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) characterArray[i] = 0;

	for (int character = 0; character < text.size(); character++) {
		if (characterArray[text.at(character)] == 0) characterArray[text.at(character)] = 1;
		else characterArray[text.at(character)] += 1;

	for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
		//By the way, there are some ASCII characters that are not present in a normal English text
		//How must they be handled in this function?
		if (characterArray[i] == 0) continue;
		characterArray[i] = characterArray[i] / text.size();
		characterArray[i] = normalDistributions[i] * characterArray[i];
		distributionCoefficient += characterArray[i];
	return distributionCoefficient;

void Crack(vector<int> cipher, vector<int> plainText, vector<int> cipherFunArray)
	double commonDisctibution = GetDistributionCoefficient(plainText);
	//for each character in plain text...

	for (int keyLength = 2; keyLength < cipher.size() / 2; keyLength++)
		vector<vector<int>> cipherStreams;
		vector<int> key;

		//sort characters of the cipher text between all streams
		for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < cipher.size(); charIndex++) cipherStreams.at(charIndex % keyLength).push_back(cipher.at(charIndex));

		//check each stream for validity for each key
		for (int streamNumber = 0; streamNumber < cipherStreams.size(); streamNumber++)
			for (size_t k = 1; k < 256; k++)
				//if key fits, then save it
				bool check = CheckKey(cipherStreams.at(streamNumber), k, commonDisctibution);
				if (!check) continue;
		if (key.size() == keyLength)
			for (size_t i = 0; i < cipher.size(); i++) cout << (char)(cipher.at(i) ^ key.at(i % keyLength));
		if (key.size() == keyLength)
			cout << endl;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < cipherFunArray.size(); i++) cout << (char)(cipherFunArray.at(i) ^ key.at(i % keyLength));


bool CheckKey(vector<int> stream, int key, double commonDistrib)
	vector<int> streamDeciphered;
	for (size_t ch = 0; ch < stream.size(); ch++)
		int decipheredChar = stream.at(ch) ^ key;
		if ((decipheredChar < 32) || (decipheredChar > 122)) return false;
		if((decipheredChar >= 48) && (decipheredChar <= 57)) return false;
		if ((decipheredChar >= 91) && (decipheredChar <= 96)) return false;
		//if ((decipheredChar >= 35) && (decipheredChar <= 43)) return false;

	double distr = GetDistributionCoefficientForCipher(streamDeciphered);
	double diff = abs(distr - commonDistrib);
	if (diff >= 0.02) return false;
	return true;


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