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EAX EIP EBP RSI/ESI Source Index. RSI - 64 bit, ESI - 32. RDI/EDI Destination Index.

From Src to Binary

To read https://www.airs.com/blog/archives/38

Assembly Cheatsheet

Lorem markdownum aequalis strigis. Saetigeri iubeas, vultu huic alvum nondum de obside ut laniavit arbor palmis, cum quin.

ARM Assembly

In this article I’m giving a quick dive-in into assembly. It’s very simple and very difficult at the same time.

Assembly Intro

In this article I’m giving a quick dive-in into assembly. It’s very simple and very difficult at the same time.

How I Met Radare2

📆 24/09/2020, Wednesday 🕰 7:00 What a nice morning! And it’s so great to be woken up by a high-pitched cry in the ear… Well, after giving my daughter her breakfast and doing all the neccessary hygine procedures for us both, I left her by my side on the development carpet, so that I could develop myself…

💱 Symbolic and Concrete Execution

References Expand… [1] Mobile Sec Guide [2] Symbolic execution on iOS with R2Frida & ESILSolve

How I Met Predator

Wednesday *Ничего так, тепло.* Где-то в тёмном-тёмном лесу, среди высоких старых деревьев, притаившись в кустах выжидают свою жертву хищники.

Undesirable Mail

Thursday, Warm and cloudy. “Open me! I am a payment order! I am important, I swear!